Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I Am A Police Officer - 848 Words

There are many ways that Earth’s billions of people can be culturally different. A culture consists of many cultural components that range from one group to the next. Some people think culture is mostly about ethnic appearance; I, on the other hand, relate to culture through family, interests , and talents. On the very left side of my triptych, I put pictures of my family and friends because I believe they have made me who I am today and play a major role in my life. My older brother is my closest sibling out of four, and always has been. I have two brothers: one older, one younger. I also have two sisters: one older, one younger. I am the middle child. Daniel is my older brother and he has been in and out of prison, jail, and court ever since I can remember. He is a big reason why I want to be a police officer. I realized that I want to stop crime and help people get their lives together. California crime is why I ended up in Arkansas. My brother has not had the best life, He was torn between divorced parents and often was around his father; who also is a criminal. I was once told, â€Å" Crime is a taught behavior, whether it is intentional or not† and looking at my brother s life, I found that to be true. Before long my brother was getting locked up for grand theft auto, drugs, and possession of firearms. When you’re a felon, it is illegal to have a firearm in your possession. Cali is my home, I was born in Woodland California. Woodland is where my mother, brother and IShow MoreRelatedI Am A Police Officer Essay1805 Words   |  8 PagesIf I went around asking people, â€Å"how many people want to be a police officer?† I’m pretty sure I’d get funny looks. I want to take you back to a time where I was sitting in my dentist s office, laying down on the plastic covered chair, with a bright light in my face and an uncomfortable noise coming from the metal tools scraping my teeth. 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