Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Effective Talent Management Organizational -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Effective Talent Management Organizational? Answer: Introduction Though learning needs may seem to be straightforward, there are times when this is not the case and a deep analysis is required to identify the needs. Most importantly, when there is a difference between the expected outcome and the real outcome, then an analysis is required mainly to identify the cause of the difference. Though not always, a persistent difference may be caused by lack of certain requirements needed to achieve the expected outcome. Some of the required amendments may be the identification and provision of the learning needs which is classified into three categories viz job or occupational level, individual level, and the organizational level. In this essay, management be on the job or occupational level and shall incline broadly in discussing how learning needs are identified and the methods used to identify these needs. The essay will streamline in focussing the understanding of learning needs, how these literature learning can be implemented in the real world, reas ons for choosing a certain type of approach and the synthesizing of the literature work in the real world. The second part shall include collaboration where a certain review shall be discussed and lastly a conclusion. Job or occupational level approach in determining the learning needs in relation to a specific job or task. The approach mainly considers the difference between the job requirement which is usually laid out in a job description and the qualification of the employee holding that specific position or who is intended to occupy the position. One can argue that the person who fulfills all the requirement should be the one to be hired but this is usually not possible since rarely do you find such a person (Rumsey et al, 2013). In that reality, the hiring is done to the person who possesses most of the qualification as described for that position. When the hiring is done, then the hired person is trained so that they can fully qualify to perform the tasks associated with that position. This can be done through the process known as induction where the newly hired person is accorded the on-job training (Mupepi 2017). Learning needs can, therefore, be said to be the gap between the employees k nowledge, skills and experience and those required to perform the tasks involved in a certain position. According to Bryman and Bell (2015), usually the literature in class contains a qualitative approach and seems like just a belief and a layout of how things are supposed to be executed. The challenge comes in when converting this knowledge into the actual activities. The challenge comes in when in the real world one gets different circumstances that require that knowledge that was taught in class (Fry et al 2014). In relation to this, we will be inclined to look at MTN which is a telecommunication company and our focus shall be on their call center department. The approach adopted here is the comprehensive approach in that the needs of an organization in terms of objectives are looked into, the qualification of the employee in a specific position and the requirement to perform the tasks associated in that position. Since the achievement of an activity expected outcome is the main reason an employee is engaged, this approach seems to take care of all the requirements considerations in order to achieve the expected outcome (DeNisi and Griffin, 2017). In that sense, all the aspects of the analysis seem to be considered since the organization, tasks, and individuals are considered. In a call center, the main objective is to handle all customers needs exhaustively and be able to solve their problems to their satisfaction. In this sense, one needs to handle all the queries with deep knowledge of the organization activities to the expectation of the customer (Michael 2013). In a comprehensive approach, the organization objective is considered in the sense that the organization requires their customer to have a sense of care and a customer attraction and retention objective is assumed here. To achieve the maximum outcome, the employees are first introduced to the systems of the call center for example how one handles the telephone, introduction part, and handling of the customer. It also involves training on how to accounting customer information and transferring calls if need be. The second part involves the training of the activities and products of different department and those of the company as a whole (Mellow, 2014). For the part of the middle managers, it do es not only involve training on handling customers but also the junior employees. The gap is identified by how the employees perform and what is expected. Collaboration According to Ferreira (2013), the analysis looks at two perspectives which is, first where are we? And secondly, where do we go? In his argument, history is important but should not form the main base for determining the training needs. According to Ferreira (2013), an analysis should be carried out every now and then to determine the present position and situation and align it with the organizations objective. If there is a deviation between the requirements of the two, only then the approach can be implemented so as to align the current position to the future organization goals and objectives. Conclusion According to the science of training and development of an individual in terms of the skills gained through learning, its is said that practice is what makes it perfect. It can greatly influence the effectiveness of an outcome. Achieving the desired results will only depend on what happens during the process of learning. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that different situations require different approaches. In this sense, the learning needs require approaches that shall bring the required outcome. A comprehensive approach is among the best approaches for determining the learning gap. Not always that the learning needs are straightforward but sometimes an analysis of the causes of the gap between the expectation and the actual outcome is required. If it is understood that the cause of the shortcoming is brought about by the learning gap, only then that the learning and training should be the solution. References Bryman, A. B. A., 2015. Business Research Methods. illustrated, annotated ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Denisi, A. Griffin. R., 2017. HR. 4 ed. Boston: Cengage Learning. Ferreira, R., 2013. Training needs assessment: where we are and where we should go. BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume vol.10 no.1 Rio de Janeiro, p. 14. Fry, H. et al., 2014. A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice. Revised ed. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. Mello, A., 2014. Strategic Human Resource Management. 4 ed. Boston: Cengage Learning. Michael, A., 2013. Knowledge Management and Competitive Advantage: Issues and Potential Solutions: Issues and Potential Solutions. Hershey: IGI Global. Mupepi, M., 2017. Effective Talent Management Strategies for Organizational Success. Hershey: IGI Global. Rumsey, G. et al., 2013. Personnel Selection and Classification. Hove: Psychology Press.

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